For this step, a new cross-trade fair strategy was developed which, among other things, creates a common communicative umbrella for the sustainability activities of the events for the first time, provides for the strategic further development of content formats relating to sustainability and harmonises the sustainability checks of the trade fairs. The realignment offers better orientation for customers and partners within the Texpertise Network, creates cross-trade fair synergies and makes the sustainability activities of exhibitors at trade fairs more visible and measurable.
Under the title ‘Econogy’, the sustainability activities of the Texpertise Network will provide orientation across trade fairs and internationally. The term ‘Econogy’ summarises economy and ecology in one word and shows how crucial sustainability is today for a company’s economic success: sustainability is increasingly becoming an integral part of all entrepreneurial thinking and actions.
The creative inspiration for the term ‘Econogy’ is the famous quote by David Suzuki, Canadian biologist, publicist and Alternative Nobel Prize winner: ‘Let’s give the economy back the eco!. With this in mind, the uniform designation ‘Econogy’ will apply to the sustainability activities at all Messe Frankfurt textile trade fairs, in Frankfurt and, gradually, worldwide. A redesigned icon accompanies the communication of ‘Econogy’ and offers a high recognition value.
Whether through the creation of platforms for networking and better visibility, further training and knowledge transfer, partnerships or personal initiative: with the Texpertise Network, Messe Frankfurt has been working for almost 15 years to accelerate innovation and change in the textile and fashion industry in order to advance the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. The first SDG Report of Messe Frankfurt’s Texpertise Network was published in 2023. The report summarises Messe Frankfurt’s global commitment to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals at its global textile trade fairs and provides an outlook on further planned measures and targets.