Life is a whirlwind of emotional experiences – From contemplating our values and lifestyles, to challenging norms through self-expression. As we each write our own stories, we encounter joy, sorrow, rage, peace – Each shape our lives in their own unique ways; and each contribute to a chapter of the book called life!
Nature created the world in complete equilibrium, and the seemingly contrary forces of positive and negative are inseparable.

The PANTONE Reference names and/or number are from the PANTONE FASHION, HOME + INTERIORS color system (a component of the PANTONE Textile Color System). The colors shown here are simulations, which have not been evaluated by Pantone and may not match the PANTONE Color Standards. For accurate PANTONE Color Standards, refer to current editions of the PANTONE FASHION, HOME + INTERIORS color guide or PANTONE FASHION + HOME cotton selector, whichever is applicable. PANTONE and other Pantone trademarks are the property of Pantone LLC. Portions Pantone LLC, 2015. Pantone’s trademarks and copyrights used with the permission of Pantone LLC under License Agreement with Messe Frankfurt Inc.